//JeJe Story's

The Monkey Owner!

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text with me


My cute Buddy-Buddy :)

love letter :)
hey boy ,

   dear , I waiting for a long time no told you all about my feeling .. I'm glad when you still love me as your little sister .. But you don't only want your sister love .. I want to be you lover too . I know you must ask a few reason about this . look , I will told you all the this :) this is my first time write love letter for boy .. opss don't jugde please :P

for the 1st time I know you , you are the gentle one .. the time is was my colourful time with you .. my sadness , happeness , darkness , lightness full time with you .. I'm really really fall in love with you was that times . and I feel you love me too.. that time I was stupid to let you go .. yeah I know you love her so much .. the only owner in your heart . but now , can I get the key to open the locked door ? can I really get all of your love ? can I seriuosly to say I really really love you as my lasting love ? yeah  , I know you was hurt me before , make me cry on every midnight .. make my day became dark .. but however , I still can't to stop loving you .. when the time I was with him .. I know my heart still own you . I don't know why . I can't love him seriously .. maybe I know he is not the real I really love . do you think I'm stupid at all ? yeahh all of that I really became crazy to think about this .. I hate you see you sad because of her ,,, I hate when you make something for her even she didn't care anymore .. I hate why you love her can more then me ? I was so jealeous why I can get the love from you like her ? I'm stupid right ? sorry for about this .. I don't want to tell you because I scared I get reject from you .. and sorry for disturb you at the time SPM . sorry , memey stupid anytime right ? hmmmm that all I was to tell you .. a years I was like an idiot to love you :') sorry .

forgiven you all the times :)
hey hey my idiot gorgor ..whatever , seriously I really can't hate you all the time you hurt me . do know why ? remember the first time I know you , that times is I break up with my boyfriend . and I'm so upset that time . but even how you still beside me .. and beside me until I'm fall in love with you .. but you just take me as your sister , and couple with another one .. that time seriously I hate that girl , I hate you .. but you told to me that you was playing . so I just think you're playing .. then I didn't take heart about that .. be long time with her ,, you started truly love her .. and I just was a past and a sis .. :) so I just keep my heart inside and face to you as a brother and sister .

gor , honestly .. I told you all the time . all the time in the same things is , please don't lie me and tell me the true ..but you always hide the things and don't tell me all the true .. but however it's past away .. I forgiven your BIG MISTAKE . after that mistake , I try to find back you all the times , but you look lost in the world .. make me can't find you ... I'm feel sad all the times and miss you so much ..  you know zwee right ? when you lost times ,, I was be best friends with him .. yeah I see him like you treats me .. and I think I love him .. but my feeling was wrong , because he is totally not like you .. and he just think I'm a friends . so I give up on him .. and I realize that you was I most love . sorry for telling this .. haha  by the way ,, it's was PAST . and I forgiven you .. yeah you is my forever Idiot :) I love gorgor always :) <3

#it's was in the first time we love each other and tell each other and make together .. it won't be a big mistake on me .. and I won't let's you go on that time until now .. but it was you choose D and together with her .. so last way is we be back brother & sister ..by the way , I love you my gorgor :D don't be rude again HAHA always be there . memey JeJe ;)

wawan idiot :(
Hai my name is Wawan, my fullname is khairul ikhwan. tuan punya badan blog ni panggil sy WANWAN. punya comel tu nama. btw, sy bukan mw ckp pa2. but i want to apologize to my sweet and cute sis name JEJE (tuan punya blog) since i came to her life, i realize that she treat me like her own brother. seriusly, i also make a big mistake and make her hurt. am i idiot? but she never hate n leave me, thats make me love and feel sorry to her till now. Dlu, 1st kenal c nakal jeje ni mmg byk la masalah dtg, but we share it together, i always by her side when she have a trouble and she too. Hm, i've got love someone capital D. jeje support me that time, whenever n whatever problem i share it to jeje. thanks a lot memey! ur the best. remember the first time we kenal2? hehe. nora also have that time, punya siuk kn kita chat2, callin2. Talking chinise lgi, best bh that time, i want to back to that time, NOW. mcm tiada sdah. Im so sad when jeje didnt find me at time, i think she mad at me. so i go far away that no one can find me. i also do the BIG MISTAKE when i ignore the people around me, seriusly, i never want it happend, i feel so sorry i dont know why im so idiot at that time :( im just fuckin shit boy that alwyas hurting that people love's and care about me. dear jeje, bro love u ah memey! u gave me a big strange! without u maybe i never know what the mean CARING EACH OTHER. now, i have only u jeee :) i am so happy because u never leave me or mad me that time. i am so scared that u will hate me, so i take a long long time to go awayyy. but when im back with old me, NO ONE   LIKE ME ALREADY :( semua org sudah buang sy ohh. u jeee ? do u still love me as your bro like as before? i want to ask ALL PEOPLE!!! THEY STILL TAKING CARE OF ME???? specially HER, why she cant understand me! Dear jeje, u only can understand me now. :') thanks for giving me a big hope memey. wanwan is idiot, me already hurt u. and im sorry jeee! i hope u never leave n hate me like them. and i promise u jee, i always here beside u. find me anytime! do u know what make me dont want to leave you? your attitude. walupn kdg2 nakal, but u never treat bad to me. JESSIE! im here for u forever! do u hear me dont ever think the past, i will give u a new memory that u could not ever forget. and if really hurt u je please say it to me, dont hide ur feelings. :) GORGOR LOVE YOU MEMEY! :(

Getting Somethings ;)

Hey Hey Hey !! do your guys gonna miss me ? awww ! I'm missing you'll damn much my bebeh's :D sorry for the long time did updated my blogger . huhu , I'm sorry here k ;) my reason is because I'm sick long almost week . anyway , don't worry it ! JeJe was a strong girl ! I'll get will soon :) thanks god .

Hmm , Today I was talk about I'm get and I also lost somethings . A few days, I was thinking this point . Why we want get somethings but we should lost somethings ? It is the logic of human ? or we always think is a logic kind ? Hmm , sometime's I also wonder , but no one can't answer me . Alright , in a sick time's . I'm change my kind to do some God dislike .. and I feel it Devil is love so much when I'm done . So that time , I never feel better .  Until today I think , I was stop it all . final I'm done . I was be back my holy life . and I get well now and feel it better ..

I want cry , why I go try it do and DONE it . Did I should continue . Yes is Not I want to continue , I'm sorry for my father and family .. because I mad them until scold them and hurt them .. I know I'm wrong .. so now , I was back to my holy life .. stop thinking the bad side . alright , is part of my sick time's .

So now , I want talk to you'll , sometime's don't too hard work in your problems side . do why ? because when you in hard , you brain will think bad side , that's why sometime's we get hurt more than whatever .. although we try to forget . is more hard it .

So why don't think it easy ? nothing is impossible .. I was counselling some of my friends . I heard his problems , He told to me ,' why my life is always in darkness ,, I'm do anythings is so hard because I'm not clever liked you . When I do anythings I can't DONE it . why I should live in this world ? why I can't be more clever , I don't know how to learning and I always work anytime's and I don't feel happy anymore . It's make me want to be Satan . I hate GOD , when I mercy I give hurt . I don't want to be hurt one again .. '
when I'm heard this I almost cry , because He's live a darkness life when he was child . I can't do anything for him .. but I just counsel him and make him feel better ..

He's a negative guy , when how he try to make some funny in front of me .. actually I want to tell him that .. he so clever , because when he learn .. he is clever then me .. I was like him that point .. but he don't know how to use only .. so I tell him .. you try , is anything will be . you ignore  , nothing will be .  just easy ..

ops I like out that topic right ? hmm anyways same the point I always take it is . Don't think the world is darkness if you believe GOD . when we not a same religions . but is teaching the same things .

Have a Faith to Believe Our God . You want get something you want . Don't scare , ask from him what you want , Pray it want you want . Is always listening our need . :) 

Opps , really out my topic today xD by the way , hope all enjoying want I'm write .. sorry if my English not a high class . hahaha .. alright , have fun :D

By JeJe Typewritter :)

Yeah ! DCYC 2012 at TAWAU :D
hey guys . sorry did long time didn't updated my blog . HAHA , anyway .. gonna miss me ? but I miss you damn oh !! haha , kay I'm didn't update because I go to tawau follow chinese youth camp ! yeah damn happy , the second time I follow youth camp at Tawau ! at the camp ! I was renew my life again !  the DOPE camp at my life !! yeah !! thanks Jesus was beside us for a few days ! LORD . thanks you ! thanks you ! . because of you I learning more . get more ! thanks .. k , after that is our pic :D <3

 a sotness girl's :D haha they come from st.michael anglican church sandakan .

 He is aaron Kok , from FCC , K.K 

He is enoch tay , From FCC also . K.K

He is benedict wong , from C.O.R , K.K 

He is Roger , I forget him from where liao xD sorry HAHA

Yeah , Him . my hero Samson Tsen . From St.patrick . Tawau 

 He is Moses Chin , from St.patrick :D

 This handsomeboy , He is clement chong , from indah anglican church Sandakan .

He is Kelvin Liew , From All saints K.K
This handsome girls , she is yuan ting . from all saints K.K

He is Jason pan , from all saints K.K 

Yeah my team , that Black shirt that is my leader Kenny, our team name is 节制 :) 

He is 一杨 , handsome boy :D sorry my hair spoil liao -.-' HAHA

She is my dear grace :D my face spoil liao -.-' HAHA

aww the cute boy ! He is chi wei , from St.James Ranau . 

He is Kelvin , Thanks to him always beside me when Im bored :') 

Yean Yean & Teng Teng , they is sweet twins , from all saints K.K 

Yeah , haha thanks god give me follow this youth camp . and also thanks they all beside me .. always helping me . when I need them .. they also come to help me . and we crazy In The Camp ! yeah !! DCYC 2012 is AWESOME K !  :D

才真正 '超赞' ! 

My Heart one ♥
Hey , JeJe was come back again la ! HAHA , do all gonna miss me ? by the way . I miss you all so much baby .. ihhh k fine , Now is what time ? yeah !! Holidays 2 month ! what should we do ? ROCK in this holidays baby ! yeah hope guys have a nice holidays :D

Alright , today my school gonna celebrate Teacher's day . and I see many teacher's so cute and happy to get many gift from their student's . actually , I didn't give any gift to my teacher's , sorry la teacher , No money oh .. next time I give you a sweet result la . ihhh .

anyway , in school . actually nothing to do ..so singing song . make sign name .. snap snap pic .. and SLEEP -.-' HAHA just like that we do at school . LOL so bored at school -.-'

Actually , I don't know wanna say what -.-'' LOL sorry if this post are so bored from you . :)) alright , my trip , at home and go tawau only T.T but never mind , I wanna go semporna to meet him . wait him back from KL .. HAHA give a surprice to my big boss & sweet heart :*

Just only you in my heart , No one else . and you name is incomplete in my heart . Don't think negative of our relationship , because I believe .. we will until forever kay , IloveyouMr.Rizal :* 

To Bitch !
Huiiii ~~ hari ni sungguh bkin ku mempanaskan , apa ku harus buat selepas ni ? and apa juga masalah kamu tidak puas hati sama kami orang CINA ? kenapa ada salah kah kami orang CINA ? kami baik baik bah kan berkawan sama kamu . tidak cari pasal sama kamu ? tapi ini ? maki maki anjing ka babi ka semua ini .. kenapa apa ya kamu x puas hati ? cakap saja larh ? bukan ak mau rendah kan agama dan bangsa kamu . tapi ini kamu yang membikin agama dan bangsa kamu MALU ?

percaya kamu tangok 2 gmbar ni ?

apa masalah kamu ? kalau tidak rasa malu ka maki kaum cina ? and bila juga boyfriend ku mau kutuk kamu ? kenapa kamu famous sangat mau orang di kutuk kan kamu ? pakai otak bah sikit . umur kamu lebih kecik dari aku la bah kan ? Patut la tidak pandai guna OTAK !  kamu suka boyfriend ku minat boyfriend ku , ak TIDAK LARANG kan . and KAMU KACAU aku pun diam larh . sekarang kamu main FITNAH apa semua ini ? and EX boyfriend ku tu , FIZZY , aku berani sebut nama mu berani la menunggu kamu cari aku , kalau kau masih suka sama boyfriend ku , aku tidak larang kau SS situ . Jangan NAK MINTA PUJI SANGAT boleh kah ? kan sudah boyfriend ku cakap , kamu layan dia baik baik , dia x kan x layan kamu baik baik . ini ? sebab dia unfriend kamu bgitu panas kah ? kamu pernah x fahami fikiran nya ? 

Jangan cakap aku kejam larh , kalau kamu terus kan bgtu , DOSA kamu makin bertambah tahu kenapa ? sebab kamu MAKI orang yang tidak ada salah ! dan sebab dia tidak terima kamu , kamu bgitu FITNAH ? apa barang ? kuat suda ? DIA BERPUNYA kamu faham ? kamu berkawan sama dia . aku tidak kisah . kamu lebih2 aku tidak ada bersuara juga , tapi ini kalau aku tidak bersuara , aku memang bukan manusia , tau kenapa ? bab kamu MAKI KAUM CINA SEKALI !  aku tanya kamu laa , kamu suka ka kalau kami maki kamu melayu babi melayu anjing ? tidak suka juga kan ? panas juga kan ? nah FAHAM la juga perasaan kami boleh kah ? tidak perna kan kami maki kau apa2 ? sekarang kau panas apa ? kamu boleh jaga sikit maruah diri ? perempuan cari pasal sama lelaki ? duii  , tidak rasa malu kah ? 



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